EUROPEAN VISITORS – Temporary importation options
Temporary Car Importation from Europe to L’oe Show
With the ending of the Woerthersee GTI Treffen in Austria, which we often shipped our cars to from the USA, we would like to extend an invitation to our friends in Europe to bring their cars to the USA for L’oe Show..
The cars will be shipped from Emden, Germany in the last week of July – we have July 29th as the target date, and can either be returned after the event or kept in the USA for the SEMA Show etc.
Our target price is $5,400 total, for round-trip shipping, but this may be subsidized by sponsorships if available.
The price includes the following :
- Return shipping from Emden, Germany to Baltimore, USA
- German customs paperwork filing
- USA customs paperwork filing
- Temporary entry for the vehicle with no import duty
- Shuttle from Philadelphia airport to your car
- Entry to the USA for your car for up to 12 months
- Registration for the show for the car
The price does not include :
- Additional inspections by Customs (we will assist, and invoice at the actual costs)
- Car insurance if being driven on the road (required in Pennsylvania, we will assist in obtaining)
- Airfare, visas, or any other travel-related items (we will assist with recommended dates)
- Trailer transport if required (we can assist with arranging)
- SEMA Show transport or entry (we can assist with receiving the cars in Las Vegas if you have a display spot organised)
Here are the basic rules :
- No personal belongings, tools, spare parts, etc can be inside car.
- The cars must be registered to you, and fully owned (no financing or loans).
- You must have the Zulassungsbescheinigung, V5, or equivalent ownership document in your name, to match your drivers license. We will need the original copy for re-export from the USA.
- If the car will be driven in the USA, it must have valid license plates, insurance etc. If not, it must be transported by trailer.
- You cannot sell the vehicle while in the USA, unless notified and accepted in writing before first transport. If it is older than 25 years old, we can submit different Customs papers, and you must pay the import duty etc.
- The car must be returned to Europe within the agreed time period. We reserve the right to require a bond that will be returned upon it’s return to Europe.